Live Blog: Senior Women | 2024 Winter Cup
LOUISVILLE, Kentucky – The 2024 Winter Cup continues with senior women’s competition, and we’ll have live, on-site coverage here.
The meet is streaming live and for free on USA Gymnastics’ YouTube channel. Follow live results here. Latest start list here. You can read our meet preview here.
Updates will be shared below, newest to oldest. If you’re not seeing the latest updates, refresh your browse.
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 3:28 p.m.
All-around top 4:
- Kayla DiCello (Hill’s) – 56.850
- Skye Blakely (WOGA) – 54.650
- Hezly Rivera (WOGA) – 54.000
- Trinity Thomas (Florida) – 53.250
Event winners:
- Vault: No one did two vaults
- Uneven bars: Kayla DiCello – 14.300
- Balance beam: TIE – Hezly Rivera & Skye Blakely – 14.500
- Floor exercise: Kayla DiCello – 14.050
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 3:18 p.m.
Suni Lee (Midwest) BB: No springboard, so looks like she’s doing her old straddle mount instead of the LOSO BHS BHS. Triple wolf turn, bit wobbly but she gets it around. Front aerial to split jump. Switch leap to switch half to ring jump, small bobble. Goes into the side aerial LOSO but off after the aerial. Switch ring leap, small bobble. Timer dismount. 12.900 (5.0/7.9).
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 3:14 p.m.
Skye Blakely (WOGA) VT: Beautiful double-twisting Yurchenko from Blakely. Looked like a small hop. 14.200 (9.2 E-score).
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 3:08 p.m.
If standings hold, DiCello will also win bars (14.300) and floor (14.050).
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 3:06 p.m.
Kayla DiCello earns a 56.850 in the all-around and no one is going to touch that.
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 3:05 p.m.
Simone Rose off on her BHS LOSO LOSO.
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 3:02 p.m.
Kayla DiCello (Hill’s) BB: Candle mount. Triple wolf turn, she WORKED to get that around. Switch 1/1. BHS LOSO LOSO. Switch leap to switch half to back handspring. Front aerial to split jump to straddle jump. Side aerial. 2.5 twist with a step and that should do it. 14.300 (6.0/8.3).
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 2:57 p.m.
Trinity Thomas 13.200 on vault. Full-twisting Yurchenko, 9.0 E-score.
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 2:56 p.m.
Suni Lee didn’t salute at the start of the rotation. She walked back on to the field of play after, so maybe she stepped away for a moment. TBD if she goes on beam.
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 2:49 p.m.
Skye Blakely (WOGA) FX: Full-twisting double back, great height, small hop. Didn’t seem to go out of bounds. Front handspring double front to stag – fabulous! Good leaps. Falls out of her double wolf turn. Excellent double back, step. 12.900.
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 2:46 p.m.
Suni Lee (Midwest) UB: Blind to laid-out full-twisting Jaeger – doesn’t catch it. It’s been so consistent in training too. Pak. Maloney to Gienger – off on that as well. Toe 1/1 to full-twisting double back, hop back. 11.800.
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 2:42 p.m.
Kaliya Lincoln (WOGA) FX: Full-twisting double layout – HUGE air, flaired it out. Could easily be a double. Double layout, small hop. Switch ring. Switch 1/1, stumbles a bit. Triple wolf turn. Punch front full to double back, small hop. 13.950.
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 2:29 p.m.
Trinity Thomas (Florida) FX: Punch front full to double back, big rebound and multiple steps, going fully out of bounds but stays on the mat. Basically stuck double layout, HUGE. FHS double full, large steps out, but seemed to keep it in bounds. She’ll get dinged on those landings, but she still looks great! 12.800, 0.3 in neutral deductions.
Kayla DiCello (Hill’s) UB: Toe 1/1 to Chow to clear hip straddled Tkatchev. Piked Jaeger. Toe-on piked Tkatchev to Pak. Van Leeuwen. Stuck full-twisting double back. 14.300 (6.1/8.2).
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 2:26 p.m.
After two rotations, it’s Kayla DiCello, Skye Blakely, Trinity Thomas. DiCello has a good half point lead on Blakely.
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 2:23 p.m.
Addison Fatta (Prestige) FX: Huge double layout, small hop. 2.5 to front tuck, hop back. Triple wolf turn. FHS double full.
Meanwhile, Jayla Hang fell on bars.
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 2:20 p.m.
Skye Blakely’s beam score has been increased to a 14.500 – tied with Hezly Rivera for first on the event. D-score went from a 6.0 to 6.1.
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 2:10 p.m.
Kaliya Lincoln (WOGA) BB: Double wolf turn, excellent. BHS to two-footed layout, perfect. Front aerial to split jump to straddle jump, great extension. Switch leap to switch half, likely won’t get that connection, stumbles a bit and she’s off. Was going SO well. Side aerial. BHS BHS double pike, single step. 12.700.
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 2:00 p.m.
Trinity Thomas (Florida) BB: Switch leap mount. Switch half to swing down. Didn’t connect those. Double wolf turn. Side aerial LOSO, bends at the waist but doesn’t touch the beam, recovers well. Front aerial, small leg up. Split jump to straddle jump. Side somi, excellent. Switch leap. STUCK tuck gainer full, and you can here Jenny Rowland let out a big shout when she sticks! Her and Owen are ECSTATIC. 13.200 (5.1/8.1).
Kayla DiCello (Hill’s) VT: Clean double-twisting Yurchenko. Small hop. Wee bit soft in the knees.
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 1:53 p.m.
Addison Fatta (Prestige) BB: Triple wolf turn. BHS LOSO, excellent. Front aerial to split jump to straddle jump. Side aerial. Switch leap to switch half, bit low in the chest. Switch side 1/4. 2.5 is under-rotated and she falls, putting her hand down. 12.300.
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 1:51 p.m.
CaMarah Williams (EDGE) FX: Big double layout to HUGE rebounding split jump – ICON. Front tuck full to double pike, big rebound but also BIG tumbling. Double L-turn to double full turn. 1.5 to 1.5. Double back, small step. So clean beside some landing adjustments. What a powerhouse! 12.750.
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 1:46 p.m.
Skye Blakely (WOGA) BB: Skye’s go-to beam mount sequence. Triple wolf turn, excellent. Standing full, absolutely crushes it. Front handspring to front tuck to split jump to wolf jump. Switch leap to switch half to back tuck, don’t know about that connection from the leap to half. Front aerial to straddle jump. Side aerial. Double back, small step. Outstanding beam work from Skye! 14.400 (6.0/8.4). Increased to 14.500 (6.1/8.4).
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 1:43 p.m.
Reese Esponda (Roots) FX: Tucked double-double, basically stuck. Double layout, also stuck. Switch leap. Switch 1/1. Triple wolf turn. Full-in, small hop. Punch front through to double back, hop forward. WOW. What a routine. One to watch. 13.300.
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 1:32 p.m.
CaMarah Williams puts up a 13.600 on beam with a 6.0 D-score!
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 1:30 p.m.
Simone Rose (Pacific Reign) FX: 1.5 to front double full, whipped that one out! 2.5 to front tuck, hop forward. Switch ring. Switch 1/1. Triple wolf turn. Double back, small hop. 13.050.
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 1:27 p.m.
Kayla DiCello (Hill’s) FX: Tucked double-double, excellent. Triple wolf turn, excellent. 2.5 to front full, second skill looked a bit soft in the knees. Switch ring. Switch 1/1. Double pike, bit low in the knees but basically stuck. 14.050.
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 1:25 p.m.
Trinity Thomas (Florida) UB: Clear hip 1/2. Toe 1/1 to Maloney to clear hip. Straddled Tkatchev to Pak. Van Leeuwen. Double layout, small hop. What a routine for Trinity – first elite set in her comeback out of the way! Looked like a big hug from… Owen? Think him and Jenny Rowland, Florida coaches, are here today. 14.050!!!
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 1:21 p.m.
Addison Fatta (Prestige) UB: Piked Jaeger. Toe-on Tkatchev to Pak. Maloney to Gienger. 1/1. Double layout, hop back. Good set from Addison! 13.600.
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 1:17 p.m.
Jayla Hang (Pacific Reign) FX: Full-twisting double back, hop back. Tucked Arabian through to double back – love that pass! Bit low on some of her leaps. 12.750.
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 1:13 p.m.
Reese Esponda (Roots) BB: Candle 1/2. Triple wolf turn. Standing full, big leg up, and she’s off. Side aerial LOSO, excellent. Switch leap to straddle jump. Double back with a large hop. 12.800.
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 1:11 p.m.
Skye Blakely (WOGA) UB: Stalder 1/2 to piked Jaeger, bit low. Stalder to piked Tkatchev to Pak. Toe 1/1 to Van Leeuwen, and it’s FINGERTIPS and she can’t hang on. Toe 1/2 to double front half, small hop. Great recovery. 13.050.
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 1:08 p.m.
Myli Lew (San Mateo) was swinging beautifully but hits the bar on her piked Jaeger, way too close, and then under-rotates her double layout and falls to her knees. 11.750.
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 1:07 p.m.
Kelise Woolford (Buckeye) VT: Yurchenko full. Big pike down. Small hop. 12.500.
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 1:06 p.m.
Brooke Pierson (World Champions) FX: Full-in, single step back. Double wolf turn. 1.5 to front full. Good leaps, bit of flexed feet. Double back, large step back. 12.300.
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 1:04 p.m.
Tatum Drusch (Flips) VT: Yurchenko 1.5. Soft knees. Hop. 13.400.
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 1:01 p.m.
First rotation coming up! Highlight routines we’re watching for:
- Vault:
- Tatum Drusch
- Kelise Woolford
- Zoey Molomo
- Bars:
- Myli Lew
- Skye Blakely
- Hezly Rivera
- Addison Fatta
- Trinity Thomas
- Madray Johnson
- Beam:
- Reese Esponda
- CaMarah Williams
- Floor:
- Nola Matthews
- Jayla Hang
- Kayla DiCello
- Simone Rose
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 12:49 p.m.
Athletes are done with warmups and march in is about to begin! The leo color of choice today is royal blue – so many athletes wearing it, which seems fitting for Winter Cup!
Sat. Feb. 24 @ 12:30 p.m.
Welcome to our live blog of the senior women’s competition at the 2024 Winter Cup! We are live inside Kentucky International Convention Center, where competition will begin at 1 p.m. ET. See the top of the page for how to watch, a link to live scores, start list, and our meet preview.