Gymternet Weekly: Social Distancing Edition (March 30-April 5, 2020)

By Patricia Duffy | April 7, 2020
Gymternet Weekly: March 30-April 5, 2020

It’s never a dull week around the gymternet! Here’s our weekly round-up of news, videos, and more from your favorite gymnasts… who are all social distancing right now!

Click here to read last week’s edition.

P.S. Want to nominate a post to be considered for “Gymternet Weekly”? Email a link to [email protected]!

1. Mark Williams hit the pool AND a press handstand

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Staying home. Working on my comeback. ?

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2. Alec Yoder went hiking with his dog Moose

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social distancing isn’t always boring??

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3. Morgan Hurd threw a little [necessary] shade

4. Annie Beard can’t get her license yet… so check out her temporary WHIP!

5. New dates for Tokyo because sOcIaL dIsTaNcInG is here to stay

6. Chellsie Memmel is seriously mulling a comeback with all this extra time to train (at the gym she owns)

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#adultgymnastics part 6 Muscle memory is truly remarkable… has been 8 years since doing any form of dismount off the beam and yet the first timer I did felt like no time had passed and my body just took over. I am by NO means committing to training yet, but the seed has been planted. Thanks to you all for continually telling me that I should train and reminding me I now have another year. Now my family is even saying why not train and see what happens…..I thought by saying I needed to see how a dismount went it would be a deterrent. Well that backfired as this was only my fourth attempt at a double on the first day trying them in 8 years. I will continue to play and see what happens. Obviously it needs some form work but I’m cutting myself some slack! #gymnastics #dowhatyoulove

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7. Double Downies flipped the switch

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Flip da switch ? @bdownie92 new tik toks peeps ?

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8. Andrew East got a haircut, and baby Drew is CONFUSED

9. Rhys McClenaghan needs a higher ceiling

10. Tyson Bull used his at-home p-bars for something… different

11. The Flying Dutchman’s just swinging around

12. Shilese Jones has our attention

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do i have your attention¿? #tiktok

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13. The work never stops for Miss Val…

14. Joe Fraser’s WFH set up is solid

15. #MountMonday looks a bit different these days

16. Amy Tinkler has joined the TikTok fam

17. This is just plain #accurate

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Are you Left or Right? ???‍♀️

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18. Gymternet babies did April Fools RIGHT

19. Laney was able to return to the gym for a bit

20. The CGA announced its 2020 NCAA Men’s Gymnastics Awards nominees

21. We’re all getting creative these days

22. Nikita Nagornyy might be going stir crazy, but at least it looks like he’s having fun?

23. Aly Raisman has moved on to gardening

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Gardening ????

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24. Tabea Alt is multi-tasking

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Sport und Entspannung???‍♀️ beides sind Faktoren, die unheimlich wichtig sind!! Nach einer Trainingseinheit gehört für mich als Turnerin auch immer die Beweglichkeit dazu????‍♀️ Warum nicht gleich die Zeit nutzen und das Training mit einem Dehnprogramm und einem guten Buch ausklingen lassen? In meiner Story findet Ihr einen kurzen Ausschnitt eines möglichen Dehnprogramms. Findet für Euch passende Übungen und versucht, sie in Euren Alltag zu integrieren! Der Vorteil ist, man braucht keine zusätzlichen Geräte und so lassen sich die Übungen in der momentanen Situation auch besonders gut zu Hause im Wohnzimmer oder bei so schönem Wetter auch auf der Terrasse umsetzen!??☀️ Wie sieht der Alltag bei Euch aus? @leonieeebert @stefanvolzer @piuspaschke PS: Das Buch ist eine absolute Empfehlung? konnte schon viele dafür begeistern und spricht einem teilweise wirklich aus der Seele: „It‘s all good“ von Lars Amend! #kampahomestories #kampasport #kampahaus #kampa #stayfit #stayhealthy #corona #quarantine #stayathome #homestory #workout #fitness #streching #nevergiveup #sun #sumglasses #sunday #home #motivation #relax #beyourself #inspiration #gemeinsamstark #itsallgood #larsamend

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25. Claudia Fragapane hit the shops

26. Ruby Harrold is trying to stay sane

27. Bridget Sloan’s chillin’ in her jams

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Not much just chillin….wyd?

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28. Vasiliki Millousi has found her new calling

29. Nikita and Dasha also slayed the flip the switch challenge

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30. And Lilo said it all… quarantine and chill, anyone?

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quarantine and chill

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